Basic Start Up

Most affordable option for individual or personal sites. Great for starting out with a simple but effective solution

WordPress Basic

WordPress Basic

For Startups And Small Business

Get the most popular CMS on the planet. It’s ease of operation & simple content management make it the ideal platform for personal sites and small businesses.

Writers Solo Contractors Artists Personal Blog Students Hobbyist & More…

FROM:$1349 $1649

Bootstrap Basic

#1 Static Framework for 13 years

Bootstrap sites are suitable for content that never or rarely needs to be updated. This type of site is meant to be built and mostly left alone, it’s not suitable for dynamic content like standard blogs or ecommerce sites, but it’s well suited to small business or personal brochure websites.

Hobbyist Solo Contractors Artists Landing Page Brochure Site & More…

FROM:$1399 $1699

Bootstrap Basic

Drupal Basic

Drupal Basic

Drupal 7, 8 or 9 core installation and configuration

Drupal is the most elaborate and flexible framework on the planet. With over 50 000 modules available, it’s called the “swiss army knife” of content management systems.  This package is ideal for startups that plan to scale and expand in the future.

Researchers Academics Startups Solo Professionals & More…

FROM:$1699 $1999


Compare Package Features

WordPress Basic

$1349 $1649

Bootstrap Basic

$1399 $1699

Drupal Basic

$1699 $1999

Pros & Cons
Content Managment
Display & Content
Typography1 Font1 Font1 Font
Premium Photos111
Color SchemeSingleSingleSingle
Custom Layouts
Video Embed
Web Hosting3 Months1 year3 Months
MaintenanceExtraNot RequiredExtra
Domain Registration1 Year1 year1 Year
Site Statistics
Basic on-site SEO
Google analytics
Contact Form
Photo Gallery
Live chat
FAQ Page
Social Media Links
Video Background/Slider
Video Gallery
Market & Manage
Google Analytics training
SEO training
Social Media Training
Adwords credit + Setup
Bing credit + Setup
Print & Media Kit

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